IGC Foundation's Major Issues


01. IGC Signs a Social Contribution Agreement with the Korean Red Cross to Foster Humanitarian Talents

The IGC Foundation announced on January 16 that it had signed a social contribution agreement with the Korean Red Cross to cultivate human resources with a humanitarian spirit. The signing ceremony was attended by CEO Park Byeong-geun and Secretary-General Kim Dong-jin of the IGC Foundation, along with President Kim Cheol-soo and Secretary-General Park Jong-sul of the Korean Red Cross. This agreement includes cooperation in practicing life sharing through blood donations, carbon-neutral ESG, volunteer activities, and Red Cross Youth, spreading donation culture and humanitarian education. Speaking on the occasion, CEO Park said, “IGC students and the local community will grow together through humanitarian-based education, service, and sharing opportunities.” He then added, “I hope this agreement will provide a foundation for IGC students to grow into global leaders.”

02. Macquarie University (Australia) Expects Win-Win Cooperation with Incheon, IGC, and GU

On February 19, IGC hosted seven guests, including Sakkie Pretorius, vice president of Academic Affairs, and Simon Handley, pro vice chancellor of Graduate Research and International Research Partnerships, from Macquarie University (Australia); along with Rik Van de Walle, rector of Ghent University, and Han Tae-jun, campus president of GUGC. In an interview that day, Park Byeong-geun, CEO of the IGC Foundation, introduced the purpose of IGC’s attracting international education systems, its expected effects, curriculum, operation status, and the vision of the resident universities. The visitors from Macquarie University expressed their hope to establish a global partnership with Incheon and IGC. CEO Park said, “We expect that this connection and cooperation with Macquarie University across various fields will greatly help the development of IGC.”

03. IGC Foundation Holds a Korean Language Workshop for International Students at IGC Universities

On March 23, the IGC Foundation hosted the “Talk to Me in Korean (TTMIK) Workshop” for international students from host universities. The event aimed to help international students acquire Korean language skills, enhance their adaptability to Korean culture, and strengthen their employability. International students from all five IGC universities participated in the workshop and developed a sense of belonging as IGC members through networking opportunities. Under the theme “Korean for Everyone: Stay Motivated and Explore Culture,” more than 100 international students of various nationalities experienced a variety of programs using the Korean language. The workshop elicited positive feedback from many students, indicating that it had met their needs.

04. IGC and Nasareth International Hospital Sign a Multilateral Business Agreement

On April 23, the IGC Foundation announced that it had signed a multilateral business agreement with Nazareth International Hospital. The agreement ceremony was attended by CEO Park Byeong-geun and Secretary-General Kim Dong-jin of the IGC Foundation, along with representatives from the four IGC universities and Medical Director Lee Won-jae and Hospital Director Lee Jae-young of Nazareth International Hospital. The main contents of the agreement include various activities, such as putting forth health promotion projects for IGC students and faculty, activities for local community development, and cooperation in other areas that can revitalize cooperative relations. Speaking about the agreement, CEO Park said, “Through this agreement, we will provide various benefits to IGC students and faculty, including English services during hospital visits, which will significantly contribute to the medical welfare of foreign students and faculty at IGC.

05. IGC Foundation Successfully Completes the 2024 IGC Dream Vacation Camp

IGC Foundation held the 2024 IGC Dream Vacation Camp from March 1 to March 3. The camp was attended by 50 elementary school students from Incheon (with priority given to students living in the downtown area) and was designed to provide international creative education, including the arts, as well as various learning opportunities in line with the global era. The students were matched with IGC students as mentors and mentees to receive essential advice in a friendly atmosphere. They also received hands-on lectures on creative, practical projects and sculpture production from professors from Incheon National University and guest researchers from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. The students also received English training to present their works in English. Through this camp, the IGC Foundation provided the students with motivating opportunities to learn English and to foster their creativity and self-fulfillment. These activities allowed the IGC Foundation to contribute to the community and engage directly with local citizens.